Noah’s Ark

By Matthew Petti | Ancient Mysteries

Jun 14
Noah's ARC bridges the gap between two complete3ly different civilizations and two completely different time epochs on earth

One of the most widely accepted dogma of modern religion is the story of Noah’s Ark.  Noah’s Ark is believed by many to have carried eight pairs of every living species of mammals, reptiles, amphibians and any other creatures of a civilization whose imminent destiny was a cataclysmic flood.

According to Mammals and Species of the World’s most recent list, which doesn’t include thousands of extinct species or those yet to be discovered, there are 4629 species of mammals alone.  If we multiply that by 16 we get 74,064—and that’s just mammals.

Challenging the notion of a massive ship, complete with eight pairs of every species on Earth should offer no resistance, but deeply seeded religious concepts are often hard to change.

There are many who take the story with a grain of salt.  To them it simply becomes another vague concept that pervades the collective consciousness and prevents us from seeing our true journey and purpose. Stories like these are what lead many to challenge the presented ideas about God.

This isn’t an attempt to dispute the story of Noah’s Ark, but rather to redefine it.  The story survived for a very important reason but we need to reevaluate it.

Nearly every culture on Earth is linked to a flood myth depicting a society that was destroyed because of their avarice and wrongful deeds.  More than 500 deluge legends are found the world over from Europe to Asia to North America and South America, Australia, the Pacific islands, Africa and the near East.  Tales include American Indian and ancient Hindu and Chinese legends just to name a few>

Importantly, the flood story had originated in all corners of the globe long before writing, mass communication or dominating religious influence.  This is compelling enough to provide circumstantial evidence of a monumental event long ago in prehistory.

There are only two options: one is to accept that a catastrophic deluge destroyed a previous civilization and the other is to deny that it happened. If only for the many similar worldwide myths and legendary tales of an epic cataclysm—most of which emerged without religious influence and long before mass communication—we should be inclined to believe it happened, but not as we’ve been led to believe and much further in prehistory than we presume.

The current myth instills the notion that there is no major separation in time between two civilizations.  This creates a scientific problem because nowhere in 4 million years is there any evidence of complete annihilation of the species.  The current story induces a subconscious doubt regarding its truth and prevents us from seeing its true significance and relation to the human journey.

Why would a doomed civilization make the effort to save only eight humans and over a hundred thousand animals?  Don’t you think that there might be a few angry humans fighting to get on the ship while Noah was busy loading all the animals?   Do you know that 16 elephants consume more than 1000 people do in a day?  We must retrain thought processes linked to obsolete and baseless models.


The plausibility of building a ship to withstand the violent forces of nature sizable enough to destroy a complete world is an error of the existing model.  These same archetypes prevent us from envisioning Noah’s society as a spectacular place—a soon to be extinct super-society whose decisions caused their demise.

Perhaps we should envisage Noah’s Ark as a magnificent accomplishment of a great society.  As was discussed in another post, the earliest writings must have been inspired by significant events, which drastically changed human understanding.

The story in the book of Genesis is an ineffective translation of an historic truth.

It seems apparent that the authors were trying to convey a story about a previous society, a flood and an Ark out of desperation for some reason.  These scripts are man’s first attempt to explain something they were just beginning to comprehend—something extremely crucial, which had to be passed onward.

It is much easier to believe the ark as something like an arch (like a rainbow) that bridged the gap between two points in time and two completely different civilizations.

With that in mind, many new questions emerge.

Are you ready for new explanations to age-old mysteries – explanations that connect our past to an inseparable future?

Learn more in my book: Alpha to Omega – Journey to the End of Time.