Solving the Mystery of Time’s Illusion
By Matthew Petti | Body-Mind-Spirit
Isn’t time’s illusion really the perception of the difference between an idea and its creation or construction?Continue reading
By Matthew Petti | Body-Mind-Spirit
Isn’t time’s illusion really the perception of the difference between an idea and its creation or construction?Continue reading
By Matthew Petti | Futurism
The Metaphysics of Truth helps us to see that the reality of our 3D world is actually the product of 2 forces – Truth’s incessant nature to be made manifest and the opposing force of errant choices of human will borne of shortsighted beliefs.Continue reading
By Matthew Petti | Ancient Mysteries
We have already demonstrated our purpose as a human race is to eventually answer every question and become omniscient and omnipotent. Our ending point or Omega is observed as a state of Supreme Being—Paradise, the complete reflection of God in physical form.Continue reading
By Matthew Petti | Ancient Mysteries
The inseparable bond between past and future is the cause and effect of our beliefs and the choices influenced by them. This intrinsic truth and another: The TRUTH is ALWAYS trying to reveal itself in our physical world, can be shown as the underpinnings to our perceived physical reality.Continue reading