Each of us views the world from a different perspective. Our beliefs are not only shaped by individual experiences, inherited concepts and behaviors, but reinforced by judgment born of those factors. True facts and events are subjected to varying perspectives and predisposed to individual judgment. Have you ever differed with someone over the recollection of an event you witnessed, read or heard about?
It’s easy to see how perceptions greatly influence personal judgment. Although an actual event will remain to be true, it will become clouded by varying perceptions and faded memories, which aid in tarnishing the recollection of the truth. Without video replay, we turn to historical accounts, which are deemed reliable but often biased by the author’s perspective and skewed by the increasing progression of time. How can we determine the truth?
There are three basic types of truth: absolute truth or omniscience, scientific truth, which is all that has been discovered and archived, and personal truth. Omniscience is unimaginable in scope and beyond our comprehension. It far surpasses scientific truth, which is the beach of the sands of personal truth.
This analogy helps us to easily see how uninformed we truly are. Personal truth is limited by both our acquired knowledge and ability to stay informed. We often hold tight to erroneous beliefs brought on by the misinterpretation of facts we have already learned. At times we may think about something, form our own opinion based on what we thought we knew, and readily accept it as true, when in fact it is not. A belief, despite personal conviction, may not be true at all.
Here’s an example. Is there more air resistance on a humid day or a dry day at the same temperature? In other words, which day would provide a better chance for a baseball to carry further—a humid day or a dry day? Think about your answer for a moment before moving on.
If you’re like most people you will insist the ball will travel more easily on the dry day with less humidity. However, water vapor-filled air is lighter and offers less resistance than dry air. Here’s the explanation to settle the argument.
The atomic number of a molecule is determined by the amount of protons it contains. It’s the protons that determine the mass of a molecule (neutrons also contribute to the mass of a molecule, but in this example neutrons are not present). Dry air consists of 21% oxygen gas (O2) and 78% nitrogen gas (N2). Oxygen gas has an atomic number of 16 (two atoms of oxygen each with an atomic number of 8). Nitrogen gas has an atomic number of 14 (two atoms of nitrogen each with an atomic number of 7). Water vapor or H2O has an atomic number of 10 (two atoms of hydrogen each with an atomic number of 1 and one atom of oxygen with the atomic number of 8).
Avogadro’s law of gases states that any given space contains the exact same number of gas molecules at the same temperature and pressure. Replacing oxygen or nitrogen gas molecules with water vapor molecules would reduce the weight by 6 or 4 respectively for every molecule of water vapor. This means that the air has less density and resistance as the humidity increases.
This is one of hundreds of examples we could use to demonstrate the prevalence of errant presumptions. How many times have we truly believed something only to find out we were wrong? More important, relying on beliefs causes us to cease further inquiry that could reveal the errors in our concepts.
What we choose to accept, question or ignore depends upon the information’s relevance to our current beliefs and circumstances.
When we base our reasoning on false premises, we follow with conclusions that may be untrue despite the raw logic that supports it. Ironically, the same scientific process responsible for discovery can cause individual stigmas when reasoning with untrue facts.
Alpha and Omega are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet respectively and have often been used to denote the beginning and the end of a cycle—the biblical story from Adam to Armageddon. There are more far-reaching implications to this if we closely examine biblical texts.
What does the Bible say about the Alpha and the Omega? Let's examine the book of Revelation for a better understanding.
“I am the Alpha and the Omega”, says the Lord God, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty (Revelation 1:8).
And he said unto me, “It is done! I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give to him who is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.” (Revelation 21:6)
“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.” (Revelation 22:13)
Throughout history mankind has succeeded in the continual search and discovery of knowledge, which has led to the successful solutions to many of our historic perils. The power of amassed knowledge has transformed humanity into a world full of information and technology. New and helpful discoveries are made every day, leading to new questions and subsequent discoveries.
We will continue our insatiable search until we have answered every single question we can propose. Circumstances will determine how and when, but humanity will eventually become omniscient (if we don’t become extinct). The ultimate goal of human beings is achieved by learning all there is to know. The final accomplishment of humanity’s purpose and collective will—our final destination—is the Omega. Omniscience is the Omega.
For there is nothing hid, except to be made manifest; nor is anything secret, except to come to light. (Mark 4:22).
Hasn't the representation of God always been one of omniscience and omnipotence? God is All Knowledge and All Power. Doesn’t it stand to reason that in the end we will know everything? Wouldn't complete knowledge convert our current concept of God into a clarified reality? Haven’t we demonstrated the purpose for our existence is to discover God or All Truth?
Some scientific pundits may be inclined to stop reading right here, but a true scientist cannot deny the existence of God without examination of all evidence. Perhaps science is confusing the religiously imbued concept of God with an undiscovered reality. We will thoroughly examine this in the next chapter, but for now, omniscience is the Omega and the final destination of mankind.
But where, when and how did it all begin? What is the Alpha? The book of Revelation clearly states that God is both the Alpha and the Omega. If so, did the human journey actually begin with a complete understanding of all there is?
Looking closely, the Bible clearly answers that question. In the earliest texts of the book of Genesis we observe life spans of nearly 1000 years before the flood.
Thus all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years; and he died.(Genesis 5:5)
Only in the book of Revelation are humans depicted with a similar lifespan in the 1000-year kingdom of the post-Armageddon society—the time when man will know God without mistaken beliefs at the end of mankind’s journey.
They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years. (Revelation 20:4)
From this perspective, we see absolute knowledge as both our destination and the origin of the human drama. Adam and Eve in Paradise is a significant biblical tale, which implies that mankind knew God without misconceptions or errors at the very beginning of the story. This is an important observation because it exposes the power associated with absolute knowledge revealed in the supernatural ability to live for almost 1000 years.
How many times have we heard the phrase, “knowledge is power”? The three basic types of power are individual, societal and omnipotence. Individual power is not limited by personal knowledge, but is increased by the scientific advancements of the combined knowledge of our civilization. For example, we can fly anywhere in the world in a short period of time—that’s power without individual knowledge.
Our contemporary societal level of knowledge and power will be referred to as technological sophistication while omnipotence will be associated with omniscience, which makes complete sense because absolute knowledge yields absolute power.
Let’s consider the continuing advancement of our civilization over time. Someday, our sophisticated technology may increase by new findings that will significantly increase our power in the blink of an eye. Whether it is the discovery of a Unified Field Theory, or any major advancement derived as a result of spectacular discoveries, we will eventually become an advanced civilization with super intelligence and capabilities beyond our current societal level of power.
Look at power in Figure 1. The second outermost circle represents the expansion of our knowledge to a point where we evolve into an advanced civilization, much like that of the legendary Atlantis. We will refer to that stage as the DemiGod level of power.

The tiny gray circle in the center is individual knowledge and power. It pales in comparison even to the currently discovered knowledge. It’s gray because individual knowledge is clouded by perception, judgment, misinformation, inadvertent forgetfulness, diversions, confusion, selective attention, and the inability to assimilate the aggregate knowledge.
As societal power edges closer to the outer ring of omnipotence, individual knowledge and capabilities would have to expand in order to be an essential part of such an advanced civilization and higher intellect. The reasoning is such that omniscience is universal and all-encompassing and would be shared by everyone. There would be no separation of power or knowledge among the members of an omnipotent society and very little separation in a DemiGod society.
Since we've already demonstrated that human nature will someday lead us to omniscience, then the Omega is the individual and collective omniscience, which manifests itself as omnipotence in both the individual and collective abilities of the society. We will eventually become a magnificent and ever-powerful society without limitations, infirmities, inequalities or questions—the 1000-year post-Armageddon society depicted in Revelation. Likewise, the Alpha represents equal knowledge and power, which is depicted as Paradise in biblical terms.
Axiom # 1: Both the Alpha and the Omega are the combined individual and collective personification of omniscience and omnipotence—a state of Supreme Being—which is religiously designated as Paradise on Earth, Nirvana, Total Enlightenment, or One in Unison with Everything.
This is a simple scientific observation showing us the final destination of humankind's journey. Take religion out of this and you will agree that our search for knowledge will eventually lead us home. The easiest way back, is to steer ourselves along the road that got us here today, but an objective view of our world shows us to be lost and moving precariously in several directions.
We are failing to get home because we can’t find the road we traveled to get here. Our origination is blurred by preconceived notions and vague concepts about our beginnings. How can we expect to figure out how we arrived to this point if we cannot clearly define our origins? A clearer picture of our starting point is necessary in the determination of our journey—the road that brought us here today.
The first axiom should be easily acceptable. Hence, if we are heading back to Paradise, then humanity was omniscient somewhere in our distant past. A superhuman civilization of Supreme Beings with unimaginable power and knowledge thrived. Theoretically, we can make that claim, but we need evidence to support the assertion.
Historical evidence depicts primitive man living in caves and controlling fire at about 200,000 years ago. The appearance of “modern man” about 40,000 years ago continues to provide evidence of primitive skills and far limited ability. How could those of a superhuman civilization completely lose their knowledge and power? As a sophisticated civilization today we are constantly passing information to succeeding generations. It would stand to reason that a more advanced society would certainly be able to store information to ensure its longevity. What happened to them? Is it really possible that a super society existed long before our current one?
These questions shouldn't show cause to reject the axiom. What we clearly find here is circumstantial evidence in support of an epic cataclysm. In a scenario where the total annihilation of civilization occurs, all knowledge and power would be erased. Here is where we see the significance of the biblical flood, as recorded in the earliest texts of our current civilization. This proposes another question. If such an advanced civilization was destroyed by a great flood in ancient history, why can’t researchers find evidence of a disaster of such great magnitude?