Matthew Petti
Matthew Petti claims that the Apocalypse is imminent but reminds us that an apocalypse – translated from its Greek origins – is a disclosure of knowledge; a lifting of the veil or revelation; an awakening to truth. He shows us that these awakenings occur by either heeding the insights of our wisdom or through the harsh experiences of our mistaken beliefs. Matthew’s concepts are centered on the Metaphysics of Truth – his core discovery and the foundation to ground-breaking perspectives. The world is reeling and the prevailing sense of urgency is our subtle recognition that something must change in a hurry.
Matthew’s introduction to all of this began at the earliest days of his adult life after an indelible spiritual awakening. His life has been defined by the remnants of his epiphany - a lingering insatiable curiosity to explain it and the underlying fear that our world was on the brink of disaster. Turning quickly away from religious dogma and to the cryptic book of Revelation, Matthew soon discovered the inseparable bond between past and future: beliefs govern choice and choice alters destiny. There is no escape from the past.
His concepts began to fit a new mold but a new frontier is never an easy task as each new discovery brought many challenges. The Metaphysics of Truth provides a new thought-model – founded on three unobserved constants – that opens a hidden door to new perspectives. He provides a revolutionary synthesis of history, religion, science and prophetic events. The secrets to Revelation's prophecy are found in the future exploits of our mistaken beliefs.
Where did we come from? What is our purpose? What is our destiny? A true awakening for humanity begins to manifest only when the majority of the collective consciousness is looking in the same direction. Truth is constant – only our perceptions change and Matthew Petti provides us with an avenue towards this golden opportunity.
Matthew is the author of Alpha to Omega, Apocalypse Now 5-Volume series and founder of Two Sense Publications. He is currently involved in public speaking while researching for his next book.